Monday, October 21, 2013


There was once a young boy named Bob,
Who liked to eat corn on the cob.
One day it was all eaten, by his brother, Keaton,
At this, Bob gave a loud sob.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie

Warm and good.
Pumpkin pie is,
My favorite food.
Yellow as the harvest moon.
Golden as the sun.
Served with tasty  whipped cream,
Enough for every one.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Fall is a time of bounty.
A time of plentifullness.
A time of beauty.
A time of harvest.
And a time of rest.
Animals getting ready,
For they're long winter's rest.
Thanksgiving turkey is the best.
Halloween candy, oh so sweet.
Harvesting food so we can eat.
Golden leaves, falling down.
Piles of them, all around.
And when winter comes again,
We're snug and cozy like we've always been.