Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lazy Kitty

Few things are more peaceful,
Than a sleeping cat.
Purring himself to sleep,
On the doormat.
He sometimes sticks
His paws in the air,
And sleeps through the day,
Without a care.
Oh, wouldn't you like
To laze about like that,
Wouldn't you like
To be a cat?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Do you truly believe,
Without the tiniest doubt,
That you CAN do it?
The thing YOU dreamed about?
Then if you truly believe,
And follow your heart,
Not stopping to grieve,
You just have to start.
Then you CAN do it!
Your dream WILL come true.
It starts with a wish,
And ends with you!

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Squirrel

The little squirrel chatters
As he climbs up a tree.
He reaches the top,
And looks at me.
He chitters and skitters,
So happy and free.
As he climbs,
Up the great big tree.