Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Little bitty cardinal, sitting in a tree,
He turns around and looks at me.
He sings and chirps, so very sweet,
Then he flies away to find bugs to eat.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I took a selfie of myself-ie,
And I put it on this post.
It wasn't a selfie of my sister,
Because I do myself the most.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Animals A-B-C

Angry Ants Accelerate Across Acorns.
Big Ballerina Bears Bounce Beautifully.
Cool Cats Camp Crazily.
Depressed Ducks Dip Dipsticks .
Elegant Elephants Expectorate Exceptionally.
Five Frogs Fight in Forests Fantastically.
 Giant Gnus Gulp Green Gourds.
Happy Horses inHale Hay.
Iffy Inchworms Itch.
Jackrabbits Jump Joyfully.
Kicking Kangaroos Kookily Kerfuffle.
Long-faced Lions Lick Lemon Lollipops.
Morose Mice Moon over Midnight Munchies.
No Narwhals Nibble Nutmeg.
Opulent Ostriches Organize Old Oranges.
Pink Poodles Paint Peas Purple.
Quartets of Quails Quiet Quickly.
Ravenous Ravens Race Recklessly.
Six Silly Sheep Sing Sonnets.
Ten Tremendous Tigers Time Turtles.
Unhappy Underdogs Undertake  Umbrellas.
Vigorous Vervets Veil Victuals.
Wet Wildebeests Wail.
Yellow Yacks Yawn.
Zebras Z-z-z-z.