Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas is The Best Holiday!

Ornaments dangling on the tree,
Christmas cookies oh so yummy.
Presents for our family dear,
Christmas is the best time of the year!

That's Why We Call it Christmas

Christmas is only once a year,
A time to love our family dear.
When came down Love 
From heaven above,
A Christmas tale for all to hear.

 The evening was dark and without light,
Then from the sky, oh so bright.
Angels singing, full of might,
On that first Christmas night.

     For that night, Christ was born,
Shepherds bowed down in the morn.
Wise men came, their arms were lifted
To the babe who was gifted.

Love came down, and hope was found,
For He came to save us.
Praise him from the sky to the ground,
That's why we call it Christmas.

Christmas Ornament

On the tree,
Christmas ornaments
Are so pretty.
The lights shining thro'
Oh so pretty,
Do you like them too?

Friday, December 19, 2014

Poem of Christmas

Bells a ringing
Carol singing
Christmas tree
Oh so glowy
Turkey, yum
For my tum
And yummy
Pun'kin pie
is so awesome,
I'm so happy
I could cry!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa's expression
Upon her face,
Is full of serenity
And calm grace.
There are hills and mountains
In the background,
And a little lake that is round.
She's a very nice painting 
By da Vinci
Isn't she?

Monday, December 1, 2014


Sing a song of sorrow,
Sing a song of joy.
Sing for a girl,
Sing for a boy.
Songs are spoken poetry,
You sing words instead of say.
You can sing at nightime,
Or in the day.
Sing a song on the road,
Sing in a tree.
Sing anyplace, anytime,
Songs can set you free.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Little birds, singing in a tree.
One turns it's head,
And looks at me.
He sings so sweet,
So very sweetly,
As he's singing in that tree.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sugar Cookies

Baking sugar cookies
They don't need spice or leaven.
Just a lot of love,
And they will taste like heaven.
Flour, sugar, vanilla,
Butter and some egg.
Mix them up and bake 'em,
And your family will beg.
Add some yummy frosting,
And some sprinkles too,
Those cookies will be amazing,
Believe me, it's true!
Here's a yummy recipe
It's tasty and easy.

Click here: Sugar cookies.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Butterfly and the Bumblebee

One day the bumble-bee,
Went for a ride in the country.
"For there was so much to see,"
Thought the bumble-bee.

He met a lovely butterfly,
Flutter-fluttering way up high.
"Oh what a happy fly, am I"
Thought the butterfly.

They met and said,
"We ought to be wed!
They were wed by a beetle named "Ted",
That is what I said.

They were so happy, so happy you see.
The butterfly and the bumble bee.
They had butterbees three, in a tree,
The end, you see.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Cold Weather

With the sun of gold,
Hiding behind a cloud.
The wind is blowing,
Just cold but not snowing,
It's making a howly sound.
A perfect day,
To instead of play,
Curl up in your bed.
With a cup of tea,
It's the place to be,
Resting your tired head.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Jack-o-lanterns grimace naughtily,
Tasty candy for you and me.
Crazy costumes all around,
Houses making creepy sounds.
Scary movies on T.V,
Plenty of of things to eat and see.
Harvest moon in the sky,
Lots and lots of pumpkin pie.
Halloween is so much fun,
And so much candy when it's done.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Striving to follow your dreams,
No matter how hard it seems.
Believing that you can do it,
That you will succeed.
To get  determination?
You just need to believe.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Warm and sweet
Always good
 This riddle's answer
Is a type of food
Always disappearing,
When you take them out of the oven
Cuz' this food
Is the food that I'm lovin'

Answer: muffins

Friday, October 3, 2014

Falling Leaves

Leaves are falling all around,
Without a single sound.
Red and gold,
And brown and green.
The earth and sky between.
Pretty as a picture,
Quietly as a dove.
That is why Fall
Is the season that I love.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Warm and spicy pumpkin pie,
Apple pie,
And cherry pie.
Pie so good,
That I could cry.
Aaaand don't forget,
Blueberry pie
Custard pie
Cheese pie
Peachy pie,
Pie so good that
I could

Thursday, September 25, 2014

On the first day of Autumn

On the first day of Autumn, 
My true love gave to me,
A scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the second day of Autumn,
My true love gave to me
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the third day of Autumn,
My true love gave to me,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the fourth day of Autumn,
My true love gave to me,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the fifth day of Autumn,
 My true love gave to me,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the sixth day of Autumn,
My true love gave to me,
Six tins of cocoa,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the seventh day of Autumn,
My true love gave to me,
Seven carved pumpkins,
Six tins of cocoa,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the eighth day of Autumn,
My true love gave to me,
Eight colorful gourds,
Seven carved pumpkins,
Six tins of cocoa,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the ninth day of Autumn, 
My true love gave to me,
Nine knitted sweaters,
Eight colorful gourds,
Seven carved pumpkins,
Six tins of cocoa,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the tenth day of Autumn, my true love gave to me,
Ten jugs of cider,
Nine knitted sweaters,
Eight colorful gourds,
Seven carved pumpkins,
Six tins of cocoa,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the eleventh day of Autumn,
My true love gave to me,
Eleven yummy muffins,
Ten jugs of cider,
Nine knitted sweaters,
Eight colorful gourds,
Seven carved pumpkins,
Six tins of cocoa,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh-picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.

On the twelfth day of Autumn,
My true love gave to me,
Twelve cornucopias,
Eleven yummy muffins,
Ten jugs of cider,
Nine knitted sweaters,
Eight colorful gourds,
Seven carved pumpkins,
Six tins of cocoa,
Four buckets of cranberries,
Three brown pine cones,
Two fresh picked apples,
And a scarlet leaf from a maple tree.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lazy Kitty

Few things are more peaceful,
Than a sleeping cat.
Purring himself to sleep,
On the doormat.
He sometimes sticks
His paws in the air,
And sleeps through the day,
Without a care.
Oh, wouldn't you like
To laze about like that,
Wouldn't you like
To be a cat?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Do you truly believe,
Without the tiniest doubt,
That you CAN do it?
The thing YOU dreamed about?
Then if you truly believe,
And follow your heart,
Not stopping to grieve,
You just have to start.
Then you CAN do it!
Your dream WILL come true.
It starts with a wish,
And ends with you!

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Squirrel

The little squirrel chatters
As he climbs up a tree.
He reaches the top,
And looks at me.
He chitters and skitters,
So happy and free.
As he climbs,
Up the great big tree.

Friday, July 25, 2014

My Shadow

In the morning,
My shadow is a baby,
Two feet tall.
At noon I can't
See it at all.
For dinner, it's a giant!
Ten feet tall,
And it is there 'till sunset,
Joining the shadows on the wall.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


In the morning,
Birds are singing.
Creatures getting ready,
For the day.
I get up and go,
To my window,
It is all so beautiful,
That I'll say,
What a wonderful beginning.
To a perfect day.

Monday, June 30, 2014

When Mary Comes to Tea

Come and see me,
In the morning.
Come and see me Mary dear,
For we haven't got together,
In what seems just like a year.
We will sit and talk of everything,
Everything that we hear.
And we'll be eating,
For our luncheon,
Fresh scones and tea, my dear.
Then we'll take a stroll 'round Bird Lake,
Which is as clear a mirror,
Oh, we will be so very happy,
That we'll have no thing to fear.
So come and see me in the morning,
Come and see me, Mary dear,
I'll be waiting in the parlor,
Waiting for you Mary dear.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts are gross.
I really don't know why.
If I have to eat another one,
 I think I'd probably cry.
My mom said I have to eat,
Everything on my plate.
Most of it is Brussels Sprouts,
So I'd think I'd rather wait.
Brussels Sprouts are really gross,
And I still don't know why.
But I still have to finish,
 Everything on my plate,
So I will just eat it and sigh.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Little bitty cardinal, sitting in a tree,
He turns around and looks at me.
He sings and chirps, so very sweet,
Then he flies away to find bugs to eat.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I took a selfie of myself-ie,
And I put it on this post.
It wasn't a selfie of my sister,
Because I do myself the most.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Animals A-B-C

Angry Ants Accelerate Across Acorns.
Big Ballerina Bears Bounce Beautifully.
Cool Cats Camp Crazily.
Depressed Ducks Dip Dipsticks .
Elegant Elephants Expectorate Exceptionally.
Five Frogs Fight in Forests Fantastically.
 Giant Gnus Gulp Green Gourds.
Happy Horses inHale Hay.
Iffy Inchworms Itch.
Jackrabbits Jump Joyfully.
Kicking Kangaroos Kookily Kerfuffle.
Long-faced Lions Lick Lemon Lollipops.
Morose Mice Moon over Midnight Munchies.
No Narwhals Nibble Nutmeg.
Opulent Ostriches Organize Old Oranges.
Pink Poodles Paint Peas Purple.
Quartets of Quails Quiet Quickly.
Ravenous Ravens Race Recklessly.
Six Silly Sheep Sing Sonnets.
Ten Tremendous Tigers Time Turtles.
Unhappy Underdogs Undertake  Umbrellas.
Vigorous Vervets Veil Victuals.
Wet Wildebeests Wail.
Yellow Yacks Yawn.
Zebras Z-z-z-z.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Math Homework

I don't like math and I don't know why,
My homework reaches to the sky.
I wish I could bid homework goodbye,
I don't like math and now I know why!

Baby Eyes

Little baby with eyes so blue,
Toddling all around.
There isn't anyone cuter than you,
Anywhere I have found.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Picture

I drew a picture,
With a pencil or pen.
I might leave it plain,
Or color it in.
I might add paint,
And oil pastel too.
Or maybe colored pencils,
A brown one would do.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Dragonfly

The dragonfly has silver wings,
And many other tiny things.
It's body's slender, and very small,
You can hardly see its limbs at all. 
The dragonfly is such a lovely thing,
Of all insects, he is the king.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Don't frown, smile.
Sit a while.
Have a cup of tea,
Put your wet things in a pile,
And come sit by the fire with me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

As the little girl went to sleep

As the little girl went to sleep.
The stars said "Goodnight".
And the owl perched on her windowsill,
To watch until light.
The bats waved their wings,
And the nightingale sings.
And her babies didn't make a peep,
As the little girl went to sleep.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


A sandpiper piped along the shore,
The sun goes out and shuts the door.
The clouds  are furrowed like they're all a pout,
And the sea gave the rocks a clout.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Sputtering, shivering.
A delicate flame.
Pale and bent.
As if it were lame.
Upon a tall,
Thin candle.
Spreading light everywhere.
Yet it is all as delicate,
As a hair. 

Monday, March 10, 2014


A rose, by any other name,
Would smell as sweet: Shakespeare did say.
Right now as bright as a star,
But will fade away the next day.
Petals twirling in a spiral,
Blossoming beautiful until May.
The meaning of roses is love,
Which will never ever fade.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Penguins in the Snow

Penguins dancing in the snow,
In a hidden cove where nobody knows.
Their graceful bodies turn around,
And the snow falls without a sound.
A once in a lifetime sight to see,
Full of beauty and majesty.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tulips in the Meadow

In the meadow shimmer-shining,
Were some tulips oh so fine.
They were golden, glitter-gleaming,
Voices singing all the time.
Singing prettily, like the birds,
In the meadow oh so fine.
With their golden heads all bobbing.
In the meadow shimmer-shining
With voices singing all the time.


Purple is a funny color,
And a even funnier word.
Purple can be a bunch of grapes,
Or a itty, bitty, bird.
Purple is made of red and blue.
It is so very great.
The word purple sounds perfect,
It is the color's mate.
Purple mittens,
Purple socks.
Purple toys, like purple blocks.
All of them are purple too.
Do you like purple 'cause I do!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Messy Paw Prints

Little tiny paw prints.
All around the floor.
Beside the litter-box,
That is behind the door.
As if they are
Taunting me to clean them up,
Such a mess are they,
It is if they are saying,
"You won't clean us up today!" 
And I scrub and scrub and scrub.
Such a mess are they.
But I have been scrubbing all morning.
And it seems I can't get them off,

Friday, February 14, 2014

God is Love

 God is Love,
and he sent Jesus, 
                       saVe us from our
sins, so we will havE everlasting life!

Happy Valentine's day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


The wind is blowing.
Just icing, not snowing.
My nose is so very
I want to curl
Up with a book.
With some hot cocoa.
In bed.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Fog

A thick, blinding, fog.
The air full of rain and sog.
Like a closed door,
Over the misty moor.
After the fog passes over,
The clouds part.
With the sun shining thro'.
Like a door opening.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


A lone little pine tree.
On the edge of a cliff.
With the clouds above,
And the earth below.
How can you know,
To keep from falling?
Do your roots dig deep?
Do your branches grow strong?
What is it that makes you live so long,
With out slipping or falling at all.
How do you not fall?

Monday, February 3, 2014

One Thousand Gifts (Repost)

1. One thousand Gifts,
three of them heard:
A piano playing,
A mother's voice,
A songbird.

2.  A Gift Outside,
Another Inside,
Are Sunlight,
Hot Cocoa,
And cookies on a plate.

3.  Three Graces Overheard,

My brother not schooled.
Mom's new blog post,
Maybe going to Keys in the summer. 

4. A gift old, new, blue
My grandmother,
My baby sister
Birds of blue.

5.  Something I'm reading, making, seeing.
Reading Mossflower,
Making skillet cookie.
Seeing a decorated lamp.

6.  Books in my bag.
Lemonade in my fridge.
Good memories in my heart.
7.  Three graces from people I love.
And Kindness.
8.  Dusky light,
Surprising reflection,
Lovely shadow.
 The moment before the sun goes down.
When I look in the mirror and see myself.
The moment when the sun comes up.
9. A gift held.
Passed by.
Sat with.
They are,
My stuffed Panda.
My Wall.
My sister.

10. A gift sour.
Just right.
Sour is lemons.
Sugar is sweet.
Put them together,
And you get lemonade.
That's Just right.

11. Three yellow gifts of fresh mercy.
Peeled Mango.
And Bananas.

12. A gift above me,
And beside. 
The roof above me,
The carpet below,
And the painting of the Alps besides.
 13. Three gifts about myself I am grateful for.
My artisticness,
My musical talent,
And my friendliness.

14. Three startling Graces of God.
Views of my blog, fifteen,
All the beauty that I have seen,
My warm jacket of green.

15. A gift given away,
My old clothing,
My new clothing,
And My
Bunk Bed.

16. Three witnessed Blessings,
When I ran into the Wall,
When I let the toast cook too long,
Don't Brush kitty on his tummy. (ouch!)

17. Three gifts, bringing laughter,
And quiet.
 My joke book,
My Bible,
And all the other books I have.

18. Three gifts from God's Word.

19. Three gifts that might have never been,
And the World.
20. Three gifts only seen close up,
The feathers on a Butterfly's wing,

The spots on a leaf,
The swirling pattern on My Fingers.

21. A gift in sky,
In water,
And in memory.
The birds,
The fish,
And, Love.
22. A gift wrinkled,
And unfolded.
Laundry that is wrinkled,
Smoothed paper that was crinkled,

A letter is unfolded.

23. Three gifts found in Christ,

24. Three things blue,
Fresh Blueberry's that are new,
My favorite shirt that is blue,
The pond that is outside.

25. A grace borrowed,
My old bear,
My butterfly necklace.

26. A gift before dawn,
At noon,
After dark.
The moon.

27. Three gifts in the kitchen,

Chocolate- chip pancakes,
Whipped Cream.

28. Three graces found in friends,


29. A song heard,

A soft word,
Light seen,
"I heard the bells on Christmas day,"
A soft "Goodnight" before I go to bed,
The sun shining when I wake up.

30. Three old things seen new,

Our bodies in heaven,

31. A gift on a paper,

In a person,
In a picture,

The end.