Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sand dollars Look Like Money

Sand dollars look like money.
Except they have no shine.
Rubies look like big cherries.
On which I like to dine.
Mud looks like chocolate cake.
Except that it is dirty.
Beetles look like gems.
Except they go up my shirty.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Beach Haiku

Waves wafting like hands.
Beckoning me to come.
I lie back and splash.


Mouth open wide.
Long scaily back.
Tail longer than me.


Delicious slice of cake.
Crumbs sliding down,
A blue tablecloth.
Sticky fingers.
Sticky mouth.
Full stomach

Melting Ice cream

Melting,sticky ice cream.
Sliding down my arm.
I lap it up like a dog.
On a hot, summer's day.

Monday, May 20, 2013


There was a little flower.
In a little bower.
It grew big and pretty.
It was loved by everyone, even the kitty.
More flowers grew.
And everyone was happy.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Counting Baby

One, two, three.
Counts the baby.
Four five six.
A lollypop is what she licks.
Five, six, seven.
She looks up at heaven.
Eight, nine, ten.
Let's count again!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Silvery, slithely,
Slithering snake.
Hissed,"Eat it!"
She walked to the tree.
Evil the snake would make.
She plucked the fruit,
Don't eat it,
Oh no!
He ate it too!
So God banished them.
A whispered promise.
"I will come back for you."
One day, many centuries later,
In a tumble-down stable,
Their rescue came.
A baby.


The koala looks like a bear.
I do not care.
That it is actually a marsupial.
They are cute.
A baby one could fit inside my boot.
They eat eucalyptus leaves.
They live in the trees.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


When the sky is cast in golden.
When there's light upon the stair.
And our hearts begin to bolden.
Over things that are not there.
When the clouds are cast in rose.
I feel the need to speak in prose.
And when the sun shines over the plain.
Shedding golden drops of rain.
And when Mother calls us in.
From the place where we've been.
When the sky is cast in shadow.
When there's black upon the stair.
We go to sleep wondering.
About the gold that was there.